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Asala Nasri - Why Should I Respond? / أصالة نصري - أرد ليه؟

Asala Nasri - Why Should I Respond?

Why should I respond?
What you said was enough
So what would I say to you
What would I say?
I mean, what good does talking when it's time to say farewell do?

Don't say anything at all that's enough
This is the end of you and me
My love from the beginning was too much for you

When your heart is not mine
It must let me love again
You're forgetting what you did
Why did you say it?

What will you say to me?
Is there a word left that you still haven't said?
Get out of here it's over
My life with you was a waste

Asala Nasri - I Swear I Won't Challenge You / أصالة نصري - ولله ما تحدي

Asala Nasri - I Swear I Won't Challenge You

I swear I won't challenge you
Or say one day,
How could you live after me ?
Days will goes by
And soon you'll be used to the thought that I went away
I'm only disturbed by what I see when I look into your eyes
A look that says how hard it is for you
And it doesn't suit you so well

You should leave me and I'll accept that
Cause nobody ever died from loneliness
And its normal after all
Before you I lived alone

Asala Nasri - Normal / أصالة نصري - عادي

Asala Nasri - Normal

It's normal... for us to separate it's normal
It's normal... for us to be hurt it's normal
It's normal... for us to be forgotten it's normal
Pain is normal
Regret is normal
And torment is normal
Anything... nothing is strange

Even he whose love I was melting in
And saying in his absence that I have nothing to live for
The story took its time away
And everything left and ended

Eventually I'll see him like any other person
And less than normal

I didn't keep fearing the memories
That which is coming makes me forget that which passed
In the presence of my loved ones
Nothing remains, they have become estranged
Everything has become normal

Asala Nasri - Don't Worry / أصالة نصري - لا تخاف

Asala Nasri - Don't Worry

Don't worry about time
Time has no security
Fear the one who has all your security in his hands and hope for him
If your beloved is not faithful to you
If your beloved betrays you
What can you hope for from time?
The result is clear

We discover the bitter truth when the proper time comes
I told you don't act impulsively
You said: my love is will be preserved
So where is he who preserved your love?
I don't see him today
Your heart is your heart
Don't consider yourself guaranteed

Asala Nasri - You Wanna Go Away? / أصالة نصري - عايز تبعد

Asala Nasri - You Wanna Go Away?

You wanna go away?
Go away while you are good
Say goodbye to my heart with goodness
I am still your beloved
Don't see me as a stranger and don't forget the good

I tortured you
I estranged you
I'm the one who was curing
I'm the one who was healing

May you remember that I am your darling
I mean I was your darling
May you remember that I am yours
And that you're leaving for you own good
Maybe you need my heart or long for it to be close

ِAsala Nasri - Get Angry / أصالة نصري - إغضب

ِAsala Nasri - Get Angry

Get Angry as you wish
And hurt my feelings as you wish
Break the vases and mirrors
Threaten to love a woman other than me
For everything you do is the same
Everything you say is the same
And you are like children, my beloved
We love them…no matter how bad they are towards us

Get angry!
For you are really great when you avenge
Get Angry!
For if it wasn’t for the wave the oceans wouldn’t exist
Be windy…be rainy
For my heart is always forgiving
Get angry!
And I won’t answer you with challenges
For you are a foolish child
Full of arrogance
And how could birds take revenge on their little ones?

Asala Nasri - You Want the Truth? / أصالة نصري - عايز الحق

Asala Nasri - You Want the Truth?

You want the truth? yes, my heart did beat for your love
Yes, I dreamt of belonging to you and you belonging to me
You want the truth- yes, my heart did beat for your love
Yes, I dreamt of belonging to you and you belonging to me

Time passed and now you’ve come and I am forced to tell you, No- No- No

I waited for you my whole life when you were far away.
It was my right to meet someone new.
So the whole story is over and nothing is left except silence

Time passed, and now you’ve come and I am forced to tell you, No- No- No.

You came late and the days don’t wait
If you are here to say it, please don’t say it
Who starts after the end, after the days have passed
The time has passed, and you’ve come now
And I am forced to tell you, No- No- No-.

Assala Nasri - A Tale / أصالة نصري - حكاية

Assala Nasri - A Tale


We'll tell you the most beautiful a tale
About a story of love and two hearts
With you their world became more beautiful
My most precious light of the eye

You came and became the beginning
You are the world and the days
You are the present
You are tomorrow
You are the sweetness of dreams

May the lord let this laugh
Fill your life with mirth and light
May the lord let it, may the lord preserve
Protecting you from all evil


Tomorrow when the beauty grows
And the height is two hands long
When you grab a pen and notebook
And study science, Arabic, and religion

And when you get bigger and bigger
And the lord finishes his great work
And when we see the beautiful mother
You'll tell a story of two hearts


Asala Nasri - Make Me Forget With You / أصالة نصري - نسيني بيك

Asala Nasri - Make Me Forget With You

Make me forget with you everything that has happened in my life before you
Draw me close to you
Say to me the most beautiful words with your eyes
The most beautiful passion in the world, you, you my darling
I lived my whole life dreaming of this moment
So now how can I believe that you are before my eyes
Get close to me my darling
May you be with me
Make me live the most beautiful story my darling
Get close to my heart my darling
And take me in your embrace and leave me there
I feel like this is the first time in my life that I have been alive

I lived my whole life dreaming of this moment
When I was not with you I lived long years
With you I've melted in your love
I've seen life to be sweet and beautiful

Asalah Nasri - Years Went By / أصالة نصري - مشيت سنين

Asalah Nasri - Years Went By

Years went by
While I covered up (my emotions) for them
And I remained for years
With my soul
In their hands

And never did I long for anything except their love
And never did I feel out of place for a moment with them

And throughout my life I've covered up for them
Fearing a single breath of air could hurt their eyes
But my regret, my regret, oh regret
They betrayed our close friendship and sold out our love
And forgot it in a moment

My heart and I are burning my soul, burning
It's been years and the loss has not been forgotten
I hid my tears, I hid my tears
Afraid they would see them
I surpressed the sigh of pain in my heart
Afraid they would hear it

Assala Nasri - O Madman / أصالة نصري - يا مجنون

Assala Nasri - O Madman

O madman, I'm not Layla
And I'm not in your love's airs tonight
Why do you want me to say I love you?
I love you, but I'm not saying it
O madman

Sometimes you complain to the sky
Sometimes you talk to the night
But my heart has been through hell
So many times it has been through hell
O madman

You are causing a problem
You still haven't made up your mind
But my heart has decided
Yeah, my heart has decided
O madman

O madman, I'm not Layla
And I'm not in your love's airs tonight
Why do you want me to say I love you?
I love you, but I'm not saying it
O madman

Assala Nasri - When Our Eyes Met / أصالة نصري - لما جات عينك في عيني

Assala Nasri - When Our Eyes Met

When our eyes met
They began to speak to each other
I told you a million I love yous
I said it without speaking

Ah I didn't say anything
And you heard everything
Ah I didn't say anything
And you heard everything

Since that day, I haven't been able to fall asleep

My eyes, my eyes conveyed my meaning
Of my love and my affection

My tongue just couldn't find the words
All of it in a moment of passion
My tongue just couldn't find the words
All of it in a moment of passion

Asmahan - The Rose / أسمهان - الورد

أسمهان - الورد

يا بدع الورد ...... يا جمال الورد

من سحر الوصف قالو على الخد

الورد الورد ياجمالو ......

الاحمر من بدعو وجد وهيام

الطفــــــــــ يا لطيف

والاصفر من ريحتو
غيــــــــره ولالام

ارحم يا رئيف

Asmahan - Nights of Merriment / أسمهان - ليالي الأنس

Asmahan - Nights of Merriment

Nights of merriment in Vienna
Her breeze is from the airs of paradise
A melody so fair ringing in the air
Upon hearing it the birds weep and sing along

And amidst the clinking of glasses and the ring of the melody
You sway in time like branches in the breeze

Achieve happiness for your soul
Let your heart rejoice
Your loved ones are all around you
It is nothing short of paradise

Enjoy your youth here in Vienna
For Vienna is a garden of Eden

A moment of bliss
If you can have it, you forget the whole universe in it
What will remain of this happiness other than its shadow?
A specter walking among your illusions, a ghost running among your dreams
Why wait for the days to pass without a word?

Celebrate, sing, send your heart swimming on the air, soaring to find a companion in this world
To rejoice in his company, to be happy in his love
Enjoy your youth while your heart is with him

Asmahan - Come My Darling / أسمهان - يا حبيبي تعال

Asmahan - Come My Darling

My darling come follow me
Look what's happened to me
In your absence
I'm sleepless and obligated to confide in your specter
Who could equal you?
I'm holding in my passion, and my passion is consuming me
And I have no father or mother or uncle to complain to about the torment of your love

My soul, heart, body, mind and beauty are in the palm of your hand
I don't know what do you with you teasing me and rejecting me
Why should I hide my passion when it is consuming me?
I'll complain, cry and speak, and perhaps, my dear, your heart will soften

I send letters and write responses complaining to you, dnd it hurts
I've been silent, patient and satisfied with this state from the start
I'm holding in my passion, and my passion is consuming me
And I'd give you my life and soul for you, my family, everything I own
And you don't ask

Asmahan - When Will You Realize? / أسمهان - امتى حتعرف

Asmahan - When Will You Realize?

When will you realize?
When will you realize I love you
When will you realize that I love you
When, when, when
When will you realize

(Hear that, she's talkin to you kid)
(You talkin to me?)
(Huh? no, uh, I made a mistake sir, I'm confused, talking to myself...)

I confide in your specter, and I hope to see you
You've never felt sorry for me or check up on me
How long are you going to keep confusing me and adding to my troubles
You whose lose is in my imagination and my soul and my blood

(hear that? this is like a love letter to you) he said this with a Lebanese accent
(I don't understand what you're saying)
(You don't understand anything)

Asmahan - Once I Entered a Garden / أسمهان - دخلت في مرة جنينة

Asmahan - Once I Entered a Garden

Once I entered a garden to smell the scent of the flowers
And distract my sad soul and listen to the song of the birds

I looked and found on the branches a nightingale with his mate
Standing with her in silence
It made me happy to see him

He put his wing around her as he took care of her tenderly
And from his love for her, he sang her a comforting song

And then he said to her "My angel, anything you need just ask"
"I'd give my life and soul for you, don't ever leave me"

And after a long while of drinking from the cup of togetherness
His beautiful lover started to play hard to get

She flew off without checking up on him, leaving him in agony
Poor guy, my heart goes out to him
Passion has melted his heart

He stayed up that night counting the stars as the full moon watched over him
His worries grew upon him, but where could he find the strength to go on (or patience)?

Asmahan - O Birds / أسمهان - يا طيور

Asmahan - O Birds

O birds
Sing of my love and chant my passion and hopes
To the one who is right beside me not paying attention to what's happening to me (i.e. in her love)
I complain to him and he smiles and makes me grow fonder of him
O birds
Describe him my state of sleeplessness and sobbing (literally tears)

The birds sang the sweetest words from the treetops
The branches swayed from the felicity of their melodies
And my heart was infatuated
And the breeze blew gently carrying their beautiful sound
As the flowers emanated the fragrance of longing
And the brook sang along with them

The air filled with tenderness sending away my longing and disgrace
Oh how I hope his affection and love and favor will be mine

He's happy with his handsomeness and youth, devoid of sorrows
If he was in love, sleepless, feeling what I feel
He would cry from his torment and wail along with the crying birds (literally, the curlew, which apparently is a bird that makes a crying sound, we don't have them in north America)

Tamer Hosni - My Eyes Love You / تامر حسني - عيني بتحبك

Tamer Hosni - My Eyes Love You

My eyes love you
And my heart loves you
And my embrace hugs
What does this leave?
You're with me and I miss you
I still miss you
My darling just tell me what does this leave?

What does it mean when all my words remain in your history
What does it mean when I remain living not see anything but your image
And my voice does not utter anything but your name

What does it mean that whenever I go somewhere I see you beside me
What does it mean when your love has taken my heart, mind and soul
In my whole life I haven't found myself except when you're in my embrace

Tamer Hosni - A Stranger's Emrace / تامر حسني - حضن الغريب

Tamer Hosni - A Stranger's Emrace

Let her leave, my heart
And go away and roam and look
Tomorrow she'll cry my heart
And come back like a yearning bird

She'll look for the sympthy and love she had before
But she won't find anything like us
No matter where she goes and how long she is gone
In the end, a stranger's embrace is not like our embrace

She was meeting with us and running to us
She was warmth and light for our eyes
And in a moment she left and didn't come back
And if she, my heart, didn't see she was still now giving attention to us

In my whole life I did not imagine that
All this betrayal would arise from her
And she would forget our story
Tomorrow she'll see hell without us and know our value

Tamer Hosni - Light of My Eye / تامر حسني - نور عيني

Tamer Hosni - Light of My Eye

My darling come
I'm calling out to you
You reassure me and calm me
Don't let go of my hand

Don't go away or leave
Hold me close and made me forget the world
And promise me that as long as you're with me
You won't let go of my hand

Oh light of my eye
Hold me
Feel me
Oh light of my eye
Hold me
Feel me

My darling, my darling

With you I can walk and be complete
And if someone hurt me I'll bear it
Because of your eyes my darling
I'll die but truly I won't leave you

Tamer Hosny - Ma Yehremneesh Mennak / تامر حسني - ماتحرمنيش منك

Tamer Hosni - Can't Keep Me From You

My darling
When I'm beside you
You know what I feel
When I'm in the embrace of your heart
What else could I want?

Oh the world is sweet when I'm beside you
Oh all my wishes
I need you
My darling, my life don't leave me
When life is the sweetest thing with you
And it can't keep me from you
And it doesn't push me away from you

My darling today you must know your love is making me crazy
I love you with a love like no other
Oh my darling

Tamer Hosni - Come Closer My Darling / تامر حسني - قرب حبيبي

Tamer Hosni - Come Closer My Darling

Come closer my darling come closer
Why are you leaving me in fire, my darling?
Why are you leaving me in fire?

You are the one in my heart
And nobody but me is in your heart
So why are we still confused my darling?
Why are we still confused?

You will be hidden and I will seek
And you will light your fire and mine
And you will die and know what's happened to me
When I die from desire and confusion
You do not come closer when I approach
What's in my torture that we experience?
Who knows?
Maybe when we get closer together we'll be at ease from these thoughts

You're forgetting me and you're selling me
If you try to get away from me it's hardly for a night
You'll come to me again needing the emotion that is between us
We'll swear off this difficult life

She said get away from me
My darling said get away from me and I'm leaving her
But if he took an eye of mine
I will go to her again and bring it
She said get away from me
My darling said get away from me and I'm leaving her

Tamer Hosni - I Still Love You / تامر حسني - لسه بحبك

Tamer Hosni - I Still Love You

I still love you
I still feel you
I need you and my soul embraces you

But my heart has a grudge against you
It can't forgive you
Whenever I come to make good with you
I find my intention is to hurt you

My darling

My soul tells you
My soul complains to you about that which tired me of you
I said I'll leave but I can't leave
My soul is at ease in the embrace of your eyes

Melhem Zein - I Want to Love You

Melhem Zein - I Want to Love You
I want to love you
What do you say?
Do you accept or not?
He wants to love you
What do you say?
Do you accept or not?

My love is incumbent upon you
The cloud that rains on the earth
It doesn't ask permission to rain
It doesn't ask permission

Oh my torment

I'm not listening to what you said
He doesn't listen to what you said

I wanna sing and say I love you
Let the world hear me
And your heart surrender to me
There's nothing holding me back

Love me, love me more
Let the sleepy eye stay up late
May your heart not be broken
You were made for love

Melhem Zein - Sleep Peacefully / ملحم زين - نامي عالهدا

Melhem Zein - Sleep Peacefully

Sleep peacefully, sleep like a baby
Like a rose on top of a fence
This princess is little, and love is a thief
My greatest fear is that her crown be stolen
I fear you'll be blamed when my arm melts from the whiteness of your ivory (because she has beautiful light skin)
And the darkness of your eyes is the color of my days
Close between them on the sea and waves

Sleep here (on my chest)
The world is waking (don't wake up)
Your eyes are tired, they need sleep

Rise from your slumber, and fill your eyes
Like a meadow blossoming in April
Sprinkle your beauty on the parched earth
Let your spring drown in sweet fragrance
Tell the world who's in love with you
The whole universe knows I am your lover
Whenever you tire from drowsiness, rise
There is a weary eye calling for sleep

Melhem Zein - If Only / ملحم زين - علواه

Melhem Zein - If Only

If only, if only my lover would come back to me
He is my life and every wish
Why good is a heart that has no lover within it
It's like a stone sitting on the ground

If only we could go back the way we were
If only I could visit you and you could come visit us
Your dad would greet me and your mother would pamper me
Please put my heart out, my pain is burning (literally, melting) me

My hands miss your hands so much
And my eyes long for your eyes
I'm melting in my clothes and I'm a wreck
Pull me out of my misery and make me happy
Oh if only...

What were you coming to take from me?
Telling me how much you me so and that you're burning up
What changed you?
Your beauty took your mind
I never cross your mind and I can't get you out of mine

Tamer Hosni - I Miss You / تامر حسني - انت واحشني

Tamer Hosni - I Miss You

I'm watching life, the days and the people
What are they like without you?
What are they like without you?
This life is not worth anything
Nor are the days
And there is no feeling, my darling, without you
My darling, without you               

Look at what my tears amount to in your absence my darling
Why don't the days matter to my heart when I don't matter to your heart

I miss you, yes, I misse you, yes
I miss you and how can I live?
I bear the separation and complete it only because I know you are coming

Every dream I dreamed with you
Every night I spent with you I was sleepless
Even the fire of desire and it's are telling you to come back
My heart, my soul, and the desire of my eyes
They've all left me
But if you just come back a little my soul will return again

Tamer Hosni - May God Bless You For Me / تامر حسني - الله يباركلي فيك

Tamer Hosni - May God Bless You For Me

My darling
From my love for you
I won't speak or sing to you
From today on I will love you with a new love
That makes me call for you, my darling  

May God bless you for me
Oh you who is more precious than my eyes
May God make me yours
And I will come to you in this world

I am right in front of you and in your hands
I am all yours and I'm your property
I am right in front of you and in your hands
I am all yours and I'm your property

I asked my heart how much I love you
And it told me with this new love

Tamer Hosni - El Wahda Bete2telny / تامر حسني - الوحدة بيقتلني

Tamer Hosny - Loneliness is Killing Me

Loneliness is killing me
And no one asks me:
What are you doing?
You're hurt. Who hurt you?
You're tired. Who did this to you
And why did your lover forget about you?
I've neither a relative nor a friend to hear me
There is no embrace for me anymore
I can't take it anymore, no way
Everyone is saying goodbye to me
I'm crying and no one reaches out to me
To wipe the tears from my cheek
How come everytime happiness visits me
It is destroyed in a moment
It is a shame for me to live alone
While the years pass me by
With endless misery
I'll keep living alone
With suffering, tears, and alienation
And I can't make it stop
No one cares about me
Or even once asks about me
To come and take care of my soul
Because of the loneliness that is killing me
She left me alone with this pain
I don't know who I can talk to
I can't find anyone to complain to
So I can cry in their arms

Tamer and Sherine - Law Khayfa / تامر وشيرين - لو خايفة

Tamer and Sherine - If You're Scared

If you're scared
I hold you and you find security
If you're lost
You will find tenderness in my heart
Ah I would come to you
If you were in the farthest place
If you're scared
I hold you and you find security

I loved you and in your abscence my heart is with you
I loved you and it's impossible for me to forget your love

If you're scared I hold you and you find security
I feel as though I met you forver ago
I want to say I love you to you as well
Tell me you'll come to me and I'll light up your sky
Our story is a story written by angels

I am beside you and my life is in a place like no other
When I possessed you it was like I possessed the universe

I would come to you if you were in the farthest place
If you're scared I hold you and you find security

Sherine Ahmed - Leave Me / شيرين أحمد - سيبني

Sherine Ahmed - Leave Me

I asked you with my tears
If there was as much sadness in your heart as in mine
You were leaving me, leaving me, leaving me
With my tears in your embrace 

I tell you, I complain to you and I'll tell you what tired me
You were leaving me, ah leaving me leaving me
With words in your heart that taking me from fire to bitterness

For the desire that was melting me
Oh you who flees me, have mercy on me
Listen to me and understand me my darling
Make me comfortable with my heart and reassure me

Oh you who forgets me, make me forget
And in your embrace hide me from distance that tortures me

Shereen Ahmed - You Never / شيرين أحمد - مفيش مرة

Shereen Ahmed - You Never

You never come to me and reassure me
Oh you who loves me
Why do your heart oppress me?
While I love you you keep me from you
This is talk
I need you to talk to me and understand me
How can your heart obey you
You are away from me while there is passion between us           

Ah my fire and my longing
I've remembered you while you forget me
My darling I suffer
And my eye has become nothing to you
You forget me and become selfish
And you're pleased with your injuries to me
You seem even better while I am nothing to you

Sherine Ahmed - You Didn't Drink from Its Nile / شيرين أحمد - ماشربتش من نيلها

Sherine Ahmed - You Didn't Drink from Its Nile

Our country is safe in our hands
We hold it high as long as we live
We live in it years and years feeling secure         

You did not drink from its Nile
Then you tried singing to it
You tried in pride
Don't be sad
You walk in its streets and complain to its
You did not walk in its suburbs fine
You did not grow up in it
And you don't have a picutre on the sand on its beaches

Look within yourself and you'll find it is friends and family of my country
And it would be hard to forget them
Maybe you forget because you in it and don't miss it
And you have never been away from it
But those who have tried to leave say there is nothing in the world like it

Sherine Ahmed and Fadel Shaker - The New Year / شيرين أحمد وفضل شاكر - العام الجديد

Sherine Ahmed and Fadel Shaker - The New Year

ُEvery year and you are my darling
Every year and you are well
Every year and you are my destiny
No matter what happens in the world

Every year and you are my life
Every year and you are my love
My feelings and my self are always with you oh my life 

You are the years that I've lived in my life
And you are the years in which I've felt happiness
A day of your absence is a year to me
You are me and I am nothing without you
You are happiness

Every thing that has gone on without you and all the years were injury
And today is joy and longing
And you are my life and you are all my years
And the wishies that I've lived in my life

Sherine Ahmed - My Patience is Running Out / شيرين أحمد - صبري قليل

Sherine Ahmed - My Patience is Running Out

No no no no no no no


I am not coming to tell you come back, listen
Because my patience is running out
Everytime you just run away
Why should I try to get closer?
You're keeping me up at night
You took my soul, my years and my mind from me
And left me with an ailing heart
You are the one whose love dominates me and tortures me
And puts me through hell           

Because of how much you keep me up all night
And because of how much you leave me in this hell
The cruelness of your eyes scorches me
And you leave me in the middle of the stream
My heart sings and comes to you again because it's confused
And you're never there

Tamer Honsi - Every Year and You're Fine / تامر حسني - كل سنة وانت طيب

Tamer Honsi - Every Year and You're Fine

Every year and you're fine and close to my heart
And this year is with me and so is the next one
Oh most precious beloved oh sweety and loving one
You're all my beloved and all my beloved are good and fine           

And in my coming lifetime I will carry you between my eyes
And I am able, my soul, I will bring you the night stars
My darling with love tastes great

Your eyes my darling, your lash my dear, your cheeks my woman my woman
God be with you
And your celebration is mine and your love is my destiny
And your heart is my beloved, my beloved
My life is yours

Tamer Hosni; Yara; Ramy Ayash; Ganat; and Haytham Shaker - My Mother Then My Mother / تامر حسني ورامي عياش وجنات وهيثم شاكر ويارا - أمي ثم أمي

Tamer Hosni; Yara; Ramy Ayash; Ganat; and Haytham Shaker - My Mother Then My Mother

After this love
What does she does all of this deserve
After this love, what
She who gives affection like this without asking for anything in return
We kiss the ground she walks upon

My mother, and then, my mother
To the last day of my life
Love from the first moment of my life
And her concern is mine
She who's goodness is bountiful
Her goodness melted into my blood and I live with it

Tamer Hosni - No One Sympathizes With Me / تامر حسني - ماحدش حاسس بيا

Tamer Hosni - No One Sympathizes With Me

No one knows anything
No one feels for me
Yeah, I remain among people
Yet loneliness is killing me    

How many ask about me?
How many feel my troubles?
One, two, three oh eye
And the rest move away from me

That which is tiring me
Time of joy
All of it
Your darling
All of it is with you
And my eye you feel injury they will all leave you and forget you

Tamer Hosni - My Darling When You Are Far / تامر حسني - حبيبي وانت بعيد

Tamer Hosni - My Darling When You Are Far

My darling when you are far away
Longing for the touch of a hand
Without even a whisper
Cover and put out your hands
As soon as I think of you
You will feel the touch          

You say, alone ah
And I say, alone ah
And they are heard as one
My eyes cry for you
Your eyes cry for me
It is one tear
I know you and feel you and I see my eyes in your eyes
As if I was in your embrace
And my eyes have spent many hours crying for you without my sadness or yours

Tamer Hosni - Her Eyes Are a Home / تامر حسني - عيونه دار

Tamer Hosni - Her Eyes Are a Home

My darling, my whole life
Promise me to stay with me
Don't leave me
Take my heart from me
May you embrace me until the very end        

Her eyes are a home
A heaven and hell
Smile of day
The most beautiful eyelashes pulled me to you
And I fell in love with you
And how and why don't ask

Tamer Hosni - Oh Me, Oh My / تامر حسني - يانا يانا

Tamer Hosni - Oh Me, Oh My

At last I've noticed
It had never crossed my mind
And I say what was with you?
Your glances are not natural
You see me and your condition changes
And you seem to like me
And even though you're pretty and cute
And you have the most beautiful features
And even though you are truly one of the most beautiful of all girls
My heart is preoccupied with someone other than you
And I love someone other than you
Maybe she's not prettier than you
But she fills my eye   

Oh me oh my, oh me oh my, oh me oh my oh me oh my
There are things you can't see
I've taken an oath from her
It's impossible for me to live without her
And I could never betray her
Save your beauty for someone other than me
She fills my universe

Tamer Hosni - I Live / تامر حسني - بعيش

Tamer Hosni - I Live

I live on the memory that's been between us for years
And I call out at the top of my voice "where are you?"
My darling my darling, come back I'm calling you
And I'm afraid my heart suffering me than this
If I live my coming years this way
My darling my darling, come back I'm calliny you   

You're gone and you're the one on my mind
And if you were not precious to me there would be no one left who is precious
And you'd leave me with my love and desire inside me and go to the others

Who could compensate my heart for a moment with you
And what is the meaning of life if not with you
And why, tell me, have I become nothing to you
Days, my darling, that I could not describe with words
Days, I don't know why they passed so fast
If only I could forget and life after you

Hisham Abbas - Israel / هشام عباس - إسرائيل

Hisham Abbas - Israel

Moses was their prophet
The Lord sent him down to them
The very day he took the Ten Commandments to them
They betrayed him         

The Messiah (Christ) came in their time of need
And in the end he experienced torment among them
Despite healing them with miracles of God
They betrayed him

Anger from our lord dispersed them here and there
Displaced without a country
Lost, paying the price for their crimes
Many years passed and the misguided scoundrel awoke
And the heart died with greedy Zionism in innocent Palestine

Snakes raising their banner over how many young women
The first time they said Israel
Our long struggle began

Hisham Abbas - My Beloved Mother / هشام عباس - أمي الحبيبة

Hisham Abbas - My Beloved Mother

My beloved mother
From your beloved son
Who would never for a second
Think of abandoning you
What's new?
I miss you so much
And I miss all of you
How's it going
My farness from you all
I swear to God is against my will               

My siblings, friends and neighbors
Call them
And say hi to them for me
My siblings, friends and neighbors
Call them
And say hi to them for me
Say hi to them for me ah

Hisham Abbas - Nari Narein / هشام عباس - ناري نارين

Hisham Abbas - My Fire is Two Fires

My fire is two fires
My fire is from her beauty
What has happened to my heart
In a glance she took me
In a moment we melted together
This darling of mine
The most beautiful words are in her eyes
She told me about love
I've fallen in love with her
What am I to do?
My fire is from the one who I am in
Ah her cheeks, her voice and her laugh
She drew me close
I adored her fire and her delicacy
My heart submitted to her before I even spoke to him
Oh how she's been on my mind and I've been drawing her in my imagination